User Conversions on your Website

It’s no good if you have a website, pay your butt off to get traffic to it, but you don’t get any user conversions. Getting user conversions is the goal of any website owner, because if a visitor performs an action on your site, there’s usually money to be made…

A lot has been said about user conversions and how to get them. However, almost everyone agrees that the experience that a visitor have when landing on your site, has much to do about the number of conversions you’ll get.

What is a user conversion?

A conversion occurs when a user does something in response to a call-to-action placed in an ad, offer or notification. For example, a conversion for mobile may be a download, install, sign-up or purchase (Adjust).

Only a small number of visitors to your website will do a conversion. In fact, if you achieve a conversion rate of two present, you’re deemed to have done well. Fortunately, user conversion rate can be measured and is calculated as follows: number of actions divided by the number of visitors.

So, if you record ten purchases for every one thousand website visitors, then your user conversion rate is one percent. Conveniently, you can use Google Analytics to see what your conversion rates are…

Why are conversions important?

Getting a high user conversion rate should be the prime goal of every website owner. Here’s why:

  1. To get leads or sales;
  2. Stay ahead of competitors;
  3. More conversions decrease your marketing costs;
  4. It increases the efficiency with other marketing platforms, such as affiliates;
  5. Improvement in the conversion rate will quickly show on your bottom-line…

How can you increase your conversion rate?

Now that you realize how important conversion are, here are some tactics you can use to get the rate higher:

  • Add a pop-up to your site;
  • Add testimonials, reviews, and logos;
  • Make the initial step really easy;
  • Add a third-party signup service;
  • Strengthen your call to action copy;
  • Add live chat to your site.

Managing your user conversions

You did all the hard work and paid scares money to get the users to sign up with your website. However, your work isn’t finished yet. Indeed, you need to know your users better and start managing them.

Start by answering the following questions:

  • What are their demographics such as age, education, ethnicity, and family status?
  • What goals do they want to achieve using your website?
  • What content will help them to achieve their goals?

Once you’d learn more about your users, you can assign them to a niche segment…

Don’t forget to communicate regularly with them.


  • If you think that getting traffic to your website is difficult, then try them to convert once they’re there;
  • Targeting the right users and then give them an extraordinary experience on your site will do the trick;
  • Remember, the users that register on your site will now be your regular clients;
  • All you have to do is to monitor what they need and what they enjoy;
  • Then, tell them that’s exactly what you’ll offer them, if they visit your website again…
  • Always keep them updated and informed – maybe with a monthly newsletter?

Read also: Organic Search and Search Engines give your Website Sustainability over the Long-Term



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