word of mouth

Get Your Online Content Going Viral

When something, like a blog, a video or other content is going viral on the net, it is big news. Why? Because everyone is sharing it and talking about it. And, when it’s huge, there’s no stopping of it. But, as with everything that becomes huge, it has a good side and a bad side. So, it must be the dream of every professional publisher of online content that his or her content goes viral. Just think of all the page views, the back-links and subsequent money, monies from Google Ads and other affiliates… Wow! Then it’s just about creating something to going viral. Easy, really? Not so… What does it mean if something is going viral?

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Grow your Business with Referral Marketing

One of the oldest and most effective forms of communication that can lead to customer acquisition is word of mouth (WOM) marketing 1.  For this reason, referral marketing, which makes use of WOM, is getting to the forefront again. Numerous studies have proven that referrals are the most trusted form of advertisement. To add to that, referrals are created by happy customers, who are usually willing to spread word-of-mouth about your business for free, according to Megan Mosley in G2Crowd.com. In the previous marketing regime of mass marketing communication, cold calls and mass mailing have lost their efficiency. Also, now in the age of digital marketing, companies are interacting more directly with their customers, not really giving them a chance to speak good about your business… But are your loyal and satisfied customers communicating their patronage with their community and so helping you to get new customers? There is a real opportunity for businesses to invest in referral marketing campaigns.

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Influencer Marketing for Retailers

[simple-author-box] Influencer marketing (IM), the process of identifying, engaging and supporting individuals who create conversations with a brand’s customers, is now used by many retailers to get people to buy their products. Indeed, influencer marketing is growing faster than organic search and is responsible for 28% of customer acquisition, according to Aj Agrawal in Entrepreneur.com.

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