store atmospherics

Good Store Atmospherics Helps Getting More Customers to your Retail Store

Store atmospherics that is prepared correctly and for your customers to enjoy will help to keep your store’s door open. Indeed, it may give you a competitive advantage over your nearest rivals. Furthermore, a customer that enjoyed a great experience while visiting your shop may return, and tell her friends about you. After all, businesses have long recognized that humans as consumers are susceptible to all sorts of urges and emotions which guide them toward decisions to buy things they don’t need or didn’t previously recognize they needed, concurs Rob Duboff in the Harvard Business Review. So, why not using store atmospherics?

Good Store Atmospherics Helps Getting More Customers to your Retail Store Read More »

Hi, I’m your Emotional Customer. Can you please help me?

[simple-author-box] There’s an emotional customer in all of us. In fact, emotional experience connotes the whole range of our feelings, including anxiety, fear, apathy, euphoria, depression, sadness, anger, and grief 1. I’m sure we’ve all experienced some of these feelings as a result of our emotional state. Our emotional state is important because it affects our decisions before and while we’re shopping 2. And all retailers need to know it…

Hi, I’m your Emotional Customer. Can you please help me? Read More »

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