Buyer Personas help you to Target the Right Customer Segments

Astute website owners are using buyer personas for some time now to help them understand their target customer segments better. Indeed, buyer personas are the cornerstone of the inbound marketing methodology, says Stormie Andrews in Forbes. Shuchi Sankhyayan in GoodmenProject  concurs: “Marketing can’t be based on guesswork. You need to define your buyer personas to better understand who your ideal customers are, what they value, what their pain points are and what it takes to motivate them.” This blog post will touch on the following points: What are buyer personas? How do buyer personas work? How do you develop buyer personas? Big data to construct buyer personas. By channeling the buyer’s voice — clearly, accurately and persuasively — the buyer persona gives marketing the confidence to say, “This is what really matters to our buyers. So here’s the plan.”

Buyer Personas help you to Target the Right Customer Segments Read More »