customer loyalty

What Business Owners Need to Know – Customer Service is Everything

Customer service is everything. Indeed, if you don’t take care of your customers, someone else will… Yet, it seems that taking care of your customers is not even on the agenda with many management meetings. Besides, the meetings are mostly about the sales performance against the budget or other trivial internal company matters. But, sadly, not about your customers.

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What will Enhance Online Customer Experience?

Online customer experience matters. Indeed, survival in today’s competitive e-commerce environment where the competitor is only one click away means that firms have to find ways to provide customers with a unique experience much more than low prices 1. Undoubtedly the competition for customers is fierce in the online retail channel. Yet many of you may think it’s a strange thing to say since there’re about 1.8 billion people worldwide purchasing goods online (Statista, 2018).  But there are also many online retailers. Back in 2014 there were already more than 24 million active online stores (Internet Retailer). Sadly, only a small percentage of them does noteworthy business. So why are the majority of online retailers not doing business? One of the main reasons why these shops fail is because their customers are having bad online experiences when visiting their websites… Nevertheless, online shopping is so popular because it offers more convenience. Furthermore, the store location is irrelevant and consumers can shop from any location, 24 h a day, seven days a week. But, just like the physical brick-and-mortar retailers, customers visiting the store want to have, apart from the shopping, a pleasant or useful experience. Indeed, online visitors may become loyal customers if they fancy the experience they get on your website.

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The Big Challenge: How to Increase your Website Traffic

[simple-author-box] New research has shown that increasing Website Traffic is the biggest challenge for Bricks and Clicks retailers. Why is Website Traffic important? Website traffic (or the number of visitors to your website) is important because the number of visitors equals the number of opportunities you have to add new customers.

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It Pays For Retailers To Please Customers

There’s no doubt about it, retailers need to be outstanding in order to please customers. Overall, retailers succeed to please customers The Wise Marketer reports that the overall satisfaction of retail customers has grown 23% over the past six years.  They ascribed this growth to the increasing use of digital technology by Brick and Mortar retailers.

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