AI-powered smartphones is the latest attempt by phone manufactures to differentiate themselves from their competitors. They argue that customers will ultimately only buy the smartest phones. But how will the retail industry react to this new gadget?
AI-powered smartphones involves machine learning – the ability for a system to learn outside of its original programming. Furthermore encompasses AI-powered smartphones deep learning, which is a type of machine learning that tries to mimic the human brain with many layers of computation (David Nield, contributor to The Field Guide).
IT-Onlne reported research results by Gartner that identify 10 high-impact uses for AI-powered smartphones.
10 High-impact uses for AI-powered smartphones
- ‘Digital Me’ sitting on the device – smartphones will be an extension of the user, capable of recognizing them and predicting their next move. They will understand who you are, what you want, when you want it, how you want it done and execute tasks upon your authority.
- User authentication – security technology combined with machine learning, biometrics and user behaviour will improve usability and self-service capabilities.
- Emotion recognition – emotion sensing systems and affective computing allow smartphones to detect, analyse, process and respond to people’s emotional states and moods.
- Natural-language understanding – continuous training and deep learning on smartphones will improve the accuracy of speech recognition, while better understanding the user’s specific intentions.
- Augmented reality (AR) and AI vision – one example of how AR can be used is in apps that help to collect user data and detect illnesses such as skin cancer or pancreatic cancer.
- Device management – machine learning will improve device performance and standby time. For example, with many sensors, smartphones can better understand and learn user’s behaviour, such as when to use which app.
- Personal profiling – smartphones are able to collect data for behavioural and personal profiling. Users can receive protection and assistance dynamically, depending on the activity that is being carried out.
- Content censorship/detection – restricted content can be automatically detected. Objectionable images, videos or text can be flagged and various notification alarms can be enabled.
- Personal photographing – personal photographing includes smartphones that are able to automatically produce beautified photos based on a user’s individual aesthetic preferences.
- Audio analytic – the smartphone’s microphone is able to continuously listen to real-world sounds. AI capability on device is able to tell those sounds, and instruct users or trigger events.
What implications will AI-powered smartphones have for retailers?
Retail customers with AI-powered smartphones may now connect with AI-enabled stores and online eCommerce sites from anywhere. That may cause the already mobile customers to demand enhanced shopping experiences in every store they visit. Customers with these phones may change their buying behaviour towards retailers that are AI-enabled.
However, the high prices of AI-powered smartphones may see a gradual adoption of the technology and so give retailers enough time to adapt to the phenomenon.
Some commentators has labelled 2018 as the year of Artificial Intelligence. So does this means the end of the small local retailer? I don’t think so. Indeed, it may provide an opportunity for smaller retailers to start a digital free retail niche. A niche where you still can use your own senses and decide for yourself when, what and why you want to buy something…
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